GRA was launched in 2019 in response to the encouraging growth and maturity of the Graphic Recording industry in Australia. 

We are proud to produce Graphic Recorders that are world-standard and internationally renowned, and seek to further our already strong reputation on a global scale.

Many of Australia’s leading Graphic Recorders have come through the MG Taylor facilitation methodology, a rapid problem-solving method born in the USA in the 1970s and utilised by top consultancy firms worldwide. In Australia, PwC’s The Difference, KPMG’s U-Collaborate, and Capgemini’s ASE are all providers of the MG Taylor process, which features a creative facilitation team covering a number of different domains—one of which being visual facilitation, including Graphic Recording.

The International Forum of Visual Practitioners—our global membership body—has also played an active role in connecting Australian Graphic Recorders to the global community. As a niche industry, Graphic Recording has a strong global network and annual gathering at the IFVP Conference held in the USA, which has been running since 1995 and in more recent years has partnered with EuViz to support a global conference in Europe in Berlin in 2014 and Denmark in 2018. 

In more recent years as Graphic Recording has increased in the public consciousness, we have seen a rise in skilled illustrators turning their hand to Graphic Recording, as well as speciality-specific pockets starting to arise, most notably around User Experience Design.

This is an exciting time for the Graphic Recording industry in Australia. Experienced Graphic Recorders are in increasingly high demand across a broad cross-section of industries including corporate, health, local/state/federal government, education and NGOs.

We are also seeing an increase in full-time permanent roles for Graphic Recorders embedded within companies as strategic visualisers, and continue to see Graphic Recording applied in new contexts, e.g. exhibition design, client pitches and advertising storyboards.

GRA seeks to support our budding industry and build on the existing strong foundations of a generous, connected and quality-driven community.