An index of common jargon associated with graphic recording, along with helpful definitions.

A “breakout group” is when a larger participant group break into smaller groups, often to work on different topics but may also be to work concurrently on the same topic. A “breakout” may also describe the physical space each team goes to.
A facilitated conversation with all participants following an activity or breakout group work.
Fishbowl Conversation
A presentation method where a small group of people are seated – usually on stools – in the middle of a circle of arch made up of the audience. These people are the “fish”, and the idea is that they have a conversation as if no one else were there – uninterrupted – around a specific question or topic. Sometimes there may be a rule wherein participants from the audience can “tap in” after a given amount of time, but they must “tap out” another of the fish in order to join. More info: 
Graphic Facilitation
The combination of traditional front-of-room facilitation with some form of visual capture or communication, including basic graphic recording and visual templates. In some circles, the term Graphic Facilitation is also used to describe the same process as Graphic Recording – with “facilitation” referring to the facilitation of content rather than front-of-room facilitation.
Graphic Recording
The process of visually capturing content, in real time, using a combination of words, shapes, symbols and imagery. Graphic Recorders usually works in partnership with a front-of-room facilitator, allowing them to focus solely on the role of capturing information.
Keynote Presentation
A talk (usually 30 – 60mins) designed to establish a main underlying theme of a conference. Keynote presenters are often experts in a certain field, which may be directly or indirectly related to the sector the conference is serving.
Open Space
A method for running a workshop or conference where participants are meeting around a specific task or purpose, where the agenda is self-created and self-directed. More info:
A group of presenters that will all address the same topic from their individual perspectives. This may be in the format of a series of short presentations followed by a Q&A session, or may be entirely Q&A with no formal presentation. Panels are usually moderated by a facilitator who will both ask questions and take questions from the floor.
The main space of a conference for sessions where all participants are together and usually seated theatre-style.
Remote Scribing
Remote Scribing, also known as Virtual Graphic Recording, refers to the real-time capture of a virtual meeting. Like other participants, the Graphic Recorder connects to the event via videoconferencing software, and then uses a tablet device to capture the conversation. The Graphic Recorder’s screen may be shared for all participants to view; alternatively the Graphic Recorder may use software to project their screen in place of their webcam.
Report Out
The sharing of work group-by-group to all participants when groups return from breakout work.
Scribing is used interchangeably with Graphic Recording, particularly within the MG-Taylor Facilitation method.
The same as Graphic Recording, but on a smaller, individual scale rather than at the front of the room. Sketchnotes are commonly drawn in small A5 / A4 sketchbooks or on iPads on the lap. Sketchnoting may also be referred to as “lap-scribing” in some circles.
Synthesis Conversation
A whole-group conversation that is typically unfacilitated and marks the shift from thinking and exploring to deciding and doing. Synthesis conversations are most commonly used at the beginning of the final workshop day using the MG Taylor methodology. 
Virtual Webcam
A Virtual Webcam refers to software that allows one to project different views to a virtual meeting. For example, a Graphic Recorder connecting to a meeting via Zoom, may use Virtual WebCam software to project their face at the start of the meeting, then switch to project their iPad canvas once they have begun capturing content.
Whiteboard animation
Also known as a ‘scribe video’. Videos in the style of Graphic Recording, featuring a sped-up hand drawing images and some text with a related voice-over. This style of video was popularised by the RSA Animate series, and was traditionally filmed on whiteboards and sped up in editing. Though the videos can look very natural and off-the-cuff like a Graphic Recording, they are meticulously planned and executed. As the style has evolved, many now choose to create videos digitally rather than hand-draw and film, with software such as VideoScribe emerging to facilitate this.
World Cafe
A facilitation method for breakout group work that involves participants working in table groups on specific topics, changing every 20mins while a table host remains behind. For a detailed description please visit: