It’s that time of year again!
Time for everyone to dust off their costumes and attend their staff Christmas party. HURRAH!
Oh wait. We’re not staff.
But you know what we are? We’re members of GRA! And the GRA Committee will not have its GRAng crying in a corner because they’re not staff. Join us at this international party to celebrate 2022, which has been an interesting year to say the least.
We’re planning for 4 separate venues, both in person and hybrid, across 3 separate timezones! That’s right!
- Perth venue: TBA (3.00pm local time)
- Sydney venue: TBA (5.00pm local time)
- Melbourne venue: Sketch Group HQ, 239a Murray Road, Preston VIC 3072 (5.00pm local time)
- Wellington venue: TBA (7.00pm local time)
- Online via Zoom: Join via this link
Be sure to RSVP using this link.