I’m always looking at ways to explain graphic recording to someone who is new to the field, or to a prospect who has inquired about the surface but never worked (more…)
Lunch & Learn: Scribe Videos
In this week’s Lunch and Learn, we deep-dived into the Scribe Video process, tools, workflow tricks and learnt how to streamline production for video producers. Packed full with seasoned Graphic Recorders, their lessons learnt and time wormholes to avoid, this session had so many juicy hacks to help nail your next animation project.
How to find a mentor
Mentorships come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Formal, informal, ongoing, one-off… There is no one way to do mentorship, but there are a few general tips we can (more…)
The Trick with Graphic Recording
Graphic storytellers/recorders have valuable interpretive skills and can magic technical jargon into easily synthesised visual language. This communication expertise brings immense value to numerous fields, work places and organisations. Graphic (more…)
iLRN: Pushing the Boundaries of How Extended Reality is Shaping Education
Check out what clever cookie & GRA Secretary @mattymcg from @sketchgrp has been up to!! “The Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) is a global community of educators who are pushing (more…)
Mr Squiggle Let’s Play
It’s a rainy Sunday in Melbourne, so here’s a fun iso activity for you: Turn this squiggle into a picture, post and tag @graphicrecordersaus on Instagram to WIN a copy (more…)
Upcycling Graphic Recording Canvases
What a great idea from GRA Secretary @mattymcg and @sketchgrp ! We do tend to create a bit of waste in our industry, and this is such a great initiative (more…)
Top Tips for Working With Graphic Recorders
Some top tips for facilitators / clients of Graphic Recorders to help you get the most out of your partnership.