Hand-drawn scribe videos are perfect for communicating complex ideas in a simple, attractive and accessible format that will get your message across to a broad audience. From frontline staff to senior leaders – who doesn’t love a video?
Tweets with video see 10x more engagement than those without, LinkedIn users are 20x more likely to share a video on the platform than any other type of post, and video generates more engagement than any other content type on Instagram.
Despite the simplicity that animation offers, the creation and composition of moving pictures is far from simple. From crafting the right script to creating style guides, storyboards and video production – the whole process can be quite overwhelming.
In this week’s Lunch & Learn, we deep-dived into the Scribe Video process, tools, workflow tricks and learnt how to streamline production for video producers. Packed full with seasoned Graphic Recorders, their lessons learnt and time wormholes to avoid, this session had so many juicy hacks to help nail your next animation project.
A very special thank you to guest Dan Ryan for giving us insight into the video producer’s side of the process. A valuable ally in helping decode the dark art of AfterEffects!
Here is a snapshot from the session on Jessamy Gee’s Pros and Cons for video scribe approaches.

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