You might have seen some changes over the last few months in our FB page or even on our website… A few sheepish posts here and there? In big news, (more…)
Another year, another slog to the finish line…
It feels at this point, every year when the calendar hits November, my hand drops the pen and reaches for the sunnies. My legs stretch away from my desk and (more…)
Lunch & Learn: Scribe Videos
In this week’s Lunch and Learn, we deep-dived into the Scribe Video process, tools, workflow tricks and learnt how to streamline production for video producers. Packed full with seasoned Graphic Recorders, their lessons learnt and time wormholes to avoid, this session had so many juicy hacks to help nail your next animation project.
Hello Holidays, Goodbye 2021
It’s been another ‘unprecedented’ year as the pandemic continued to surge and disrupt the way we work and live. Despite the unending lockdowns, draining zoom meetings and all-day trackiedacks, our (more…)
Professional member profile: Jimmy Patch
Jimmy is a visual communicator and artist specialising in illustration, graphic recording, animation and creating strong characters and stories. He has worked with a diverse range of clients all around (more…)
Captures from “Full Time Roles in Graphic Recording” With Steve Keast
This morning Steve @keastie74 from @kpmg_articulators A’ed a lot of Q’s from the @ifvp and @graphicrecordersaus members. Here are three captures – so proud of our Aussie community today!