Happy birthday to us!

GRA launched on October 19, 2019. Wow, hasn’t the world changed since then?! ?

We are SO PROUD of what we’ve achieved during this time.

We now have 45 members from across the country (and even a couple of kiwi cousins ?). An online professional member directory. A very active Knowledge Share fb group. A Code of Ethics. Best Practice Guide. We’ve run 10 Lunch & Learn sessions, and 2 Cheer & Challenge feedback sessions. We’ve had some virtual & in-person drink & draws in Melbourne, Sydney & Perth.

… all of this and more is completely FREE for GRA Members.

We are committed to providing real, tangible value for our members, and building a strong, generous, professional community that’s filled with love.

We are succeeding. ☺️

Honestly, we are succeeding because of how FREAKING AWESOME our members are. We would be nothing without the energy, passion & generosity of our members.

So, on our first birthday I want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all our members & committee who are the heart of this community.

I can’t wait to see what we can continue to achieve together. ?

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